Case 1
Starting point
Mr L is 18 years old and has been playing football in amateur leagues for the last two years with great success. The fact that he is very talented means that several clubs in the professional football league are interested in him. After a couple of newspaper interviews, he has now received an invitation to appear on a TV sports programme.
Mr. L is not very confident when dealing with the public media. He would like to feel more self-assured when facing journalists, TV cameras, potential sponsors or even public figures when attending galas or receptions.
After six coaching sessions it was clear which were the greatest stress factors for Mr. L, and how he could remain at ease when in contact with the media or at similar official events. A two-day consultation (wardrobe, style and outfits suitable for the occasion) and a joint shopping trip to buy outfits for various occasions were added to the coaching. Mr. L now felt well-equipped and was able to deal with his first TV appearance in a much more relaxed manner. Following his successful positioning, he is now involved in talks with new advertising partners in the food industry.
Case 2
Starting point
Ms S, an actress, had started her career in the theatre and, after various co-starring roles, had taken up a permanent role in a television series. But now she had begun to ask herself what was next.
Ms S was unsure about future roles. She needed to decide whether to take the safe option for the future and be cast in other series, or whether to try for offers in larger film productions.
Appearances on two talk shows, where she made her position on a controversial topic very clear, significantly raised her profile. A PR campaign in the print media had a similar effect. The general feedback was positive and Ms S became known as an actress with her own opinions, who knows what she wants. In this way, she raised herself above the crowd among the good actresses and came into view for prominent roles in feature films.
Case 3
Starting point
Mrs A has been married for several years to a show business personality. This has also made her relatively well-known and popular, which up to now, she has not directly built upon.
Mrs A's public appearances were barely co-ordinated as far as appointments and topics were concerned. The first step was to raise Mrs A's awareness of her own situation, and then to develop a vision for her future life plan.
By means of personality profile analysis and coaching it became clear which of Mrs A's personal attributes and interests also made her interesting to the public. Two particular aspects were worked upon and combined with a charity event. Since then, Mrs A has been a representative for this charity organisation. The resulting reports in the press are of advantage for the organisation and for Mrs A. |
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